Sunday, February 11, 2007

Canada is beautiful in the Winter as well

I took these pictures yesterday after I chanced upon a section of the Ajax shoreline that I usually do not visit in the Winter. I did not have my camera with me but had a mobile phone that had some minimalistic photo taking capability. Here are some of the results.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Toyota Way by Jeffrey Liker

Now that I am working for Toyota again, I feel very much compelled to finally read the book that sums up what has made this company the greates manufacturing company of the world.

Of the 14 principles, the elimination of muda (waste) through the process of continuous improvement - kaizen - is the one that struck the strongest cord with me.

The eight types of muda are:

1. Overproduction

2. Waiting

3. Unnecessary transport

4. Overprocessing

5. Excess inventory

6. Unnecessary movement

7. Defects

8. Unused employee creativity

Highly informative while thoroughly enjoyable read!