Saturday, June 03, 2006

Brown belt

Brown belts have been handed out to me, my wife and a few of our friends at the Energy Martial Arts Academy. This is great joy we all have worked very hard for this. Of course, we also know this is not the arrival at any desination, simply a marking of where we are on our journey to bettering ourselves and bringing strength, piece and harmony to our lives and those we interact with.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting your belts. :-)

FagyisSzent said...

Thank you Mike! What a pleasant surprise! Great of you to drop by. :)

ferenc said...

this is how far my son got when his sensei moved away and he lost interest/ got disappointed.
(actually brown belt with ne black stripe)

so watch out!
:) just kidding

ferenc said...

one belack stripe

FagyisSzent said...

Thanks for the warning. I am very much aware that this is where typically the going gets tough. Still, we have a great amount of joy that we gain from each and every class even when the classes attempt to challenge our resolve, so we'll likely stick to the going for quite a while. Will give you an update after the stripes start arriving.