For almost two hundred years authors have been writing books about the concept that the focusing thought on prosperity or wellness will bring those desired things into ones life. Some of the most influential such authors from the past century were Charles Haanel (Master Key System from 1912), Prentice Mulford (Thoughts Are Things), Robert Collier (Secret of the Ages), Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich), Norman Vincent Peale (Power of Positive Thinking), and the more recent Jose Silva (Mind Control Method). The "New Thought" movement, of which the Hickses are also part of, is essentially based on the writings of these individuals along with philosophical influences from Ralph Waldo Emerson, with some remote references to Hinduism.
The book "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks is a brief introduction into the application of the "law of attraction" and the "law of allowing" in our everyday lives. The general concepts and the 22 processes listed are a great tool for transforming one's mind set from one focusing on lack, difficulties and defeat to one centred around prosperity, health and well-being. There is nothing fundamentally new in the message conveyed by this book. It is the authority that Esther Hicks references in her channellings that make this book (and videos and tapes/CDs and seminars and counselling and ...) interesting. It's all supposed to be "blocks of thoughts" downloaded from a group of non-physical beings who call themselves "Abraham" into Esther Hicks translated into English-language communication that makes this interesting.
Some of the core communications that the authors share in this book are that we are physical extension of that which is non-physical; we are here in this body because we chose to be here; the basis of our life is freedom with the purpose of joy; and that we are creators who create with our every thought. Therefore, if we focus our thoughts on the things we want in our lives, those can be manifested.
The Hickses had been two of the most successful proponents of the "law of attraction" before the consciousness-propsperity-wellness market was stormed by an Australian documentary producer's Rhonda Byrne's, movie "The Secret" and her similarly titled book.
Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote a series of wonderful children's books worth reading:
Sara, Book 1: The Foreverness of Friends of a Feather
Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends
Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!
The book "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks is a brief introduction into the application of the "law of attraction" and the "law of allowing" in our everyday lives. The general concepts and the 22 processes listed are a great tool for transforming one's mind set from one focusing on lack, difficulties and defeat to one centred around prosperity, health and well-being. There is nothing fundamentally new in the message conveyed by this book. It is the authority that Esther Hicks references in her channellings that make this book (and videos and tapes/CDs and seminars and counselling and ...) interesting. It's all supposed to be "blocks of thoughts" downloaded from a group of non-physical beings who call themselves "Abraham" into Esther Hicks translated into English-language communication that makes this interesting.
Some of the core communications that the authors share in this book are that we are physical extension of that which is non-physical; we are here in this body because we chose to be here; the basis of our life is freedom with the purpose of joy; and that we are creators who create with our every thought. Therefore, if we focus our thoughts on the things we want in our lives, those can be manifested.
The Hickses had been two of the most successful proponents of the "law of attraction" before the consciousness-propsperity-wellness market was stormed by an Australian documentary producer's Rhonda Byrne's, movie "The Secret" and her similarly titled book.
Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote a series of wonderful children's books worth reading:
Sara, Book 1: The Foreverness of Friends of a Feather
Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends
Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!
Fagyis, ezt nem hittem volna, hogy ilyen könyveket is olvasol :D S mennyire használod is? :O
De rég nem láttam piros orcádat! ;o) Köszi, hogy erre jártál.
Olvasok én még cifrábbakat is! Ha tudnád... Miért lepett meg Téged épp ez?
Évek óta használom mindennapi életemben, munkámban zokat a gondolatokat, technikákat, amik a könyv alapjául szolgáltak. Aztán itt még külön érdekelt az a szerzőpáros, akik munkájából most Byrne asszony akasztott le milliókat.
A Sara könyveket meg egy barátunk kazettán adta egyszer kölcsön, és nagyon élveztem őket. Geronimo!!!
Van még a dumcsi vagy a kuckó vagy...?
Remélem, nemsokára újra errejársz!
Szia Fagyis!
Hát nemtom, csak meglepett. Mert a férfinép nem éppen ezoterikus beállítottságú ;) ( nézd meg Ernoe hsz-eit a canadahunon :)))))))
Én a nyáron olvastam a könyvet. Igazából tavaly találtak meg engem ezek a gondolatok, a filmet nem láttam, csak ami a youtubon is fennvan.
A kucko az még van, másról nem tudok. Te hova jársz?
S majdnem elfelejtettem, megnéztem a képeket a kirándulástokról.Spanyolo-ból vettem pár ötletet Töled. S ajánlom Marokkót!! Tangier egy kis betekintésnek elég, de az igazi Marokkó délebre van ;)
Szia alma!
Lehet, hogy igazad van, és a férfinép nem ezoterikus beállitottságu. Ugyanakkor sok ismerősöm erősiti a szabályt. Lehet, hogy ez az új világ? A fiúk meglelik feminin oldalukat, a lányok meg nadrágot húznak és nyakkendőt kötnek? Én nem bánom. Minél több módon vagyonk képesek látni a világot, annál több megértéshez jutunk.
Kuckó ügyben... Én nem járok egyik helyre sem. Kissé megcsömörlöttem a korlátlan személyeskedéstől, tompitatlan intoleranciától és folyamatos üldözésmániától. Az összes ilyen hely közül (feleségem csak dagonyának hivja őket keresetlen egyszerűséggel) talán a Kuckóban találtam meg a legtöbb nyitottságot.
Spanyol ötlet, szivesen. Végy, amennyi csak jól esik. Marokkóval kapcsolatban pedig én fogadok szivesen ötleteket.
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