My Astrophytum myriostigma (more commonly knows as Bishop's Miter or Bishop's Cap) is finally blooming. It is beautiful, and I am very proud of it.

This amazing plant is one of the genus Astrophytum, also called "Star Cacti" for their interesting shape. Some have spines, others have warts. Some have hair, some are twisted. Some have white flecking while others are completely 'nude'. They all seem to have unique personality as well. Alright, I know it's just me projecting some of my own into them but still. They sure are magnificent and unique.
Good source of information on cacti (or cactuses if you do not want to have to deal with the proper plural) is: Plants of the Cactaceae Family by
Good reference books on cacti and other succlents:
Thank you. I think so too. :o)
And it's still blooming! :)
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